Tag: peace

Putting out the fires in my mind

Putting out the fires in your mind

Bhante Sujatha’s recording of “Putting Out the Fires in your mind” was such a powerful inspiration from the very first time I heard it. But now, years later, I think it has gained even greater value and lessons for me.…

Old man

Old man take a look at my life, I’m a lot like you. ~ Neil Young I awoke this morning only to find my Dad staring back at me in the mirror. His gentle but faded eyes, his weathered skin,…

The peace muscle

Every day, each of us do so many exercises. We exercise our brain when we think and work, we may exercise our bodies for physical fitness, we exercise our jaw when we speak and eat. But how many of us…

Shopping for God

My recent post about God seemed to have stirred a lot of interest and lively discussion. And I have learned a great deal from all of your comments and feedback. I have come to see that God, religion, beliefs and…

Name calling 101

How many of us give a second thought to words we use to describe people? I suppose it makes us feel superior when we call someone names, like an idiot or a moron. Not only would I question our thinking…