Tag: peace

Teaching each other

Dosa, Tanha, and Upadana. Aversion, Desire, and Clinging (grasping). After a recent and minor motorcycle accident, I suffered an injury to my knee and lower back muscles. The first day after the accident, I decided I could not meditate because…

Finding peace

This morning I wondered where I can look for peace when my mind is filled with concerns and fears. Normally, I would think that meditation is the place to start and settle the mind. But today, I felt like I…

The future?

How can I be sure of anything? What will this day bring, what will the future hold? Have you ever gotten up in the morning and felt like it was really going to be a good day? Conversely, have you…

My heart hurts again

I happened to look at Google Analytics today for this Blog, and found something very interesting. The number one search term that brought people to this website is “my heart hurts”. My original post that was titled “My heart hurts”,…

Us and them

After Monday’s post, I found that many others sources had begun to echo my sentiment of peace, love and compassion. It was wonderful to see that I was not alone in these equanimous thoughts. Unfortunately I found some religious magazine…