Tag: impermanence

The fun in being Buddhist

So often I read articles and Blogs by others, and I see that Buddhism can seem extremely negative, even depressing. And I’m sure that a lot of my articles could be looked at in the same manner. So much talk…

My transient life

Usually when I think of a person as a transient, I am thinking of a homeless person. But today I see that I am just as much a transient. It would appear that I have a home, but is in…

I see you suffer

When the Buddha reached enlightenment, or as I like to see it “awakened”, I understand that he was not going to attempt to teach others what he had learned. But from his great compassion (mahakaruna), he decided to spend the…

A new life

Two days ago I was blessed with the arrival of my third Grandchild. The absolutely beautiful little Briar Rose entered the World at around 8:00 in the morning. It was a bit overwhelming to see the first pictures of her…

The simple life

“If you can’t explain it simply, then you don’t understand” Ever since I first heard this saying, I had to question and investigate everything that I previously thought I knew. I quickly found out, that while I had a general…