Tag: impermanence

You need a time out

How’s your mind today, where is it at? Do you find yourself flowing from happy to sad thoughts and emotions? I know that most of us would like to be in a constant state of joy and happiness, but this…

Alone in the World

We come into this World alone, and we leave alone. This is simply a fact. Friendships come and go, Family members are born and die. And as someone who is nearing his 56th Birthday, I can tell you that everything…

The understanding of no self

Thanks in no small part to a wonderful dhamma talk recently given by Bhante Sankichcha of the Great Lakes Buddhist Vihara, I finally feel as though I have an understanding of anatta (no self). Strangely, as much as I’ve studied…


As often as I talk about impermanence (anicca), I recently had a small revelation. Focusing on the present, I tend not to look at the past very much. But in this case, I could see how much I have changed…

I died last night

A tornado struck my home, and destroyed my house, my car and killed me. There is nothing left. Do you care? Are you sad about this? Are you suffering because I am gone? I would ask you why? I am…