Tag: Bhante Sujatha

That’s the nature

I have found this expression “That’s the nature”, to be a very common one used by Bhante Sujatha. Now while I know this may not be proper english, I think it explains so much quite eloquently. This is his way…

Do the right thing

Right View, Right Intention, Right Action, Right Mindfulness, these are all part of the Noble Eightfold Path. But what does one do when we are not able to discern what is “right” in any given situation? Normally, I find that…

The Three Pillars

Yesterdays dhamma talk by the Venerable Bhante Sujatha was about the Three Pillars in Buddhism. He spoke of the Three Pillars being Dana (giving), Sila (virtue, moral conduct), and Bhavana (loosely translated as meditation). His talked spurred me to investigate…

Have I got a story for you!

This is a really good story, because it is my story. You don’t understand, and you couldn’t possibly understand because it is about me and my feelings. What happened is just so upsetting and unfair to me. And if you…


As often as I talk about impermanence (anicca), I recently had a small revelation. Focusing on the present, I tend not to look at the past very much. But in this case, I could see how much I have changed…