Tag: Bhante Sujatha

The gift is the present

With the Holiday Season upon us, it seems like all of the focus is on gifts and presents. Both giving them and getting them are very important to most everyone. This morning I see that the greatest gift is actually…

Talk to the animals

During a recent dhamma talk by Bhante Sujatha, he pointed out that our pets do not meditate. I think this was to illuminate that as human beings we have capabilities beyond those of the animal world. And while that may…

Cherish the day

“Cherish the day, I won’t go astray, I won’t be afraid, you won’t catch me running” ~Sade Bhante Sujatha’s recent dhamma talk was on death and living. Accepting the impermanence of this existence, and seeing that we bring nothing into…

Sharing is caring

I am always humbled, and slightly embarrassed when someone compliments me or thanks me for my writing. And today I thought it would be good to explain where my thoughts and perspectives come from. It is of course based completely…

The devil inside

Evil is personified in Mara, the Buddhist Devil, who represents temptation, sin, and death. Many Buddhists believe that Mara is an actual being while others contend that it is really an allegory or a personification of negative states of mind. There…