Tag: Bhante Sujatha

A double dose of dosa

Dosa is the Pali word for aversion. And boy, how very often do we find ourselves caught up in this feeling. Perhaps the biggest pitfall is that we often don’t even realize that it is aversion which is causing us…

The do’s and don’ts of Buddhism

The longer I continue to practice, the more I begin to see just how many do’s and don’ts there are in Buddhism. This is not to say these are rules, but really just increasing ones mindfulness to become more and…

Taking out the trash

I think it’s time to get rid of the garbage in my life. Remnants of the past, concerns about the future, unwholesome behaviors, and less than Noble friends. It’s time to walk in good company, and follow a wholesome path…

Sliding down the rabbit hole

I’m afraid that much of my writing may lead my readers to believe that I am a wonderful example of a dedicated practicing Buddhist. And while I certainly hope that what I share is of some value and benefit to…

I’m good enough

“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone-it people like me” ~ Stuart Smalley Often, while meditating and sending myself loving kindness, I think of these words from the Saturday Night Live character. It always makes me chuckle a bit…