Tag: attachment

The things we do for love

Love requires no reward or acknowledgment. That act of giving, caring, helping, in its purest form, holds no expectation. This goes quite contrary to the saying “how do I love thee, let me count the ways”. If this love is…

How many truths?

How many truths are there, and is your truth different from my truth? Is there one religion that has the real truth, one belief system that is correct? Is there a higher truth, or one truth that is supreme above…

I died last night

A tornado struck my home, and destroyed my house, my car and killed me. There is nothing left. Do you care? Are you sad about this? Are you suffering because I am gone? I would ask you why? I am…

Don’t let go

When we care about something, anything, I think that we all try to hold on to it. Whether it is a loved one, a prized possession, or even an image of a beautiful sunset. I think this is the reason…

Buddhist parenting

I’m sure the title of this post will pique many people’s curiosity. So just to clarify at the onset, I do not write this as any sort of authority on parenting – Buddhist or otherwise. That said, I have been…