Tag: attachment

A lesson a day

“Attachment is the origin, the root of suffering; hence it is the cause of suffering.” ~ The Dalai Lama at Harvard University, 1988 The Second Noble Truth is that the origin of suffering is attachment (upādāna). And obviously, the Dalai…

The price of peace

How much would you pay to have peace in your life? And I’m not saying just a moment or day of peace, but genuine overall peace in your life for the rest of your time on this earth. Can we…

The science of the breath

“Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out” These are words that are often used by Bhante Samita when he guides a meditation group. Simple words for what seems to be a very natural and involuntary process of our bodies.…

How much to give yourself

I have come to see that giving in the American culture is one which always has an expectation attached to it. We may give to charities etc, but we always have some type of expectation attached to that act. We…

The attachment to giving

In Buddhist teachings, the act of giving and generosity (dana), is essential in our development. And the Buddha taught us that when we give to others, we should do this without expectation of reward or gratitude. Giving without attaching to…