Tag: attachment

Solutions for desperate times

It seems lately that so many people are feeling desperate and sad. Our current economy, high unemployment rate, fires and floods across the U.S. that have destroyed lives and homes. Is this all just a sign of the times, a…

Our hearts beat as one

How often do any of us feel alone and isolated? Sometimes lasting only a fleeting moment, other times lasting days or weeks. I suppose there may be someone reading this who has even felt isolated for years. I know these…

I lost my smile

I know it must be in there somewhere, but I am not finding it right now. I suppose, like everything else, it will be in the last place I look! I realized today that there are probably many of you…

Return to me

When I feel sad, I return to the breath. When I am angry, I return to the breath. When I am happy or excited, I return to the breath. When I am fearful or nervous, I return to the breath.…