Tag: mindfulness

The do’s and don’ts of Buddhism

The longer I continue to practice, the more I begin to see just how many do’s and don’ts there are in Buddhism. This is not to say these are rules, but really just increasing ones mindfulness to become more and…

Who’s the boss?

Do you ever examine the cause of your unhappiness or dissatisfaction as it is occurring? Or, like most of us, do you get caught up in the moment and only build on an already disturbing story? And while I have…


Yesterday morning was unusually busy and hectic, and I never got to sit and do my practice. This is a rare occasion that I do not meditate in the morning, and I do feel a little off most of the…

Dropping the obstacles

Right this minute, ask yourself what obstacle or obstacles you have in your path. What people or situations are preventing you from a happy and peaceful life? After you give this a few moments thought, I would like to stop…

When the going gets tough

Of course we all know that the next part of this phrase is, “the tough get going”. But how does this apply to the Buddhist practice? I have come to see that our practice is very easy when things are…