Tag: mindfulness

I am the middle path

I am learning to remind myself not to take myself or this life too seriously. That too, I think, is the middle way. And this means to be observant of my thoughts, words and actions.

Walking the talk

During my recent 5 hour mini-silence-retreat, I spent some time doing walking meditation. This was the first time I had done this, and only received a little instruction from monastics on the proper way to do this. I was told…

Am I right, or am I right?

Recently, someone very dear to me decided to de-friend approximately 100 of their friends on Facebook. This was all brought about because of a strong disagreement on values and perspective of a certain situation going on in the news right…

The cleaner

A recent dhamma talk by Bhante Sujatha offered some candid insight into the human nature, including his own. Beside sharing his experiences of the recent humanitarian efforts he just returned from, he also exposed the unhappiness that he often experienced…

Abundant gratitude

As I was doing my meditation practice this morning, I was directing my attention toward gratitude. And as I continued to consider the great many things that I have to be grateful for, my mind became overflowing with images of…