Tag: mindful

Stopping Rush Limbaugh

I am sure that by now all of us have heard about the slanderous and offensive comments made by Rush Limbaugh on his radio show recently. And I must admit that I was a bit upset myself when I first…

The attachment to giving

In Buddhist teachings, the act of giving and generosity (dana), is essential in our development. And the Buddha taught us that when we give to others, we should do this without expectation of reward or gratitude. Giving without attaching to…

The things we do for love

Love requires no reward or acknowledgment. That act of giving, caring, helping, in its purest form, holds no expectation. This goes quite contrary to the saying “how do I love thee, let me count the ways”. If this love is…


As often as I talk about impermanence (anicca), I recently had a small revelation. Focusing on the present, I tend not to look at the past very much. But in this case, I could see how much I have changed…


The other evening I watched an episode of Harry’s Law on TV. One of the cases was about a Gorilla being treated cruelly and kept caged up in a zoo by himself. The defense pleaded that this great ape was…