Tag: mindful

You need a time out

How’s your mind today, where is it at? Do you find yourself flowing from happy to sad thoughts and emotions? I know that most of us would like to be in a constant state of joy and happiness, but this…

The science of the breath

“Breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out” These are words that are often used by Bhante Samita when he guides a meditation group. Simple words for what seems to be a very natural and involuntary process of our bodies.…

Where is your practice?

Is your practice on the cushion once week? Or do you meditate daily and feel this your practice? Perhaps the real question is, do you believe that meditation is your practice? I for one, do not feel that my practice…

I’m good enough

“I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggone-it people like me” ~ Stuart Smalley Often, while meditating and sending myself loving kindness, I think of these words from the Saturday Night Live character. It always makes me chuckle a bit…

Do the right thing

Right View, Right Intention, Right Action, Right Mindfulness, these are all part of the Noble Eightfold Path. But what does one do when we are not able to discern what is “right” in any given situation? Normally, I find that…