Tag: dhamma

Take me across the water

One day a young Buddhist on his journey home, came to the banks of a wide river. Staring hopelessly at the great obstacle in front of him, he pondered for hours on just how to cross such a wide barrier.…

Bite-sized Buddhism

After the recent 2012 Blessing at the Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple, all attendees were invited to enjoy some refreshments and finger foods. Most everyone enjoyed at least a cookie, while others made quite a little feast out of these bite-sized…

Cherish the day

“Cherish the day, I won’t go astray, I won’t be afraid, you won’t catch me running” ~Sade Bhante Sujatha’s recent dhamma talk was on death and living. Accepting the impermanence of this existence, and seeing that we bring nothing into…

Sharing is caring

I am always humbled, and slightly embarrassed when someone compliments me or thanks me for my writing. And today I thought it would be good to explain where my thoughts and perspectives come from. It is of course based completely…

In search of happiness

A recent dhamma talk by Vimala Bhikkhuni was all about happiness and what that means to each of us. The general consensus was that we all wish to obtain happiness. And Bhikkhuni’s suggestion was to be open to happiness always.…