Tag: Buddhist

I’m fed up and disillusioned

Yes, I’m fed up and disillusioned, and pretty excited about it! You might think this is a bad thing, but it is actually what the Buddha taught about Nibbida. You see that Pali word means disenchantment, aversion, disgust and weariness.…

I’ve got baby skin

To see me in person, one might think I am a large tough Biker type guy. And to read my Blog, one might think I am a very good Buddhist and have a good understanding of the dhamma and Pali…

View the mind dispassionately

As I was waking up this morning, these words kept piercing my stream of consciousness. I tried to just let this thought takes it’s course and see if some greater message was unfolding. But no further thoughts or discovery were…

Buddha only taught one thing

One thing I teach: suffering and the end of suffering. It is just Ill and the ceasing of Ill that I proclaim. ~The Buddha I really found this statement by the Buddha to be very enlightening and liberating. I think…

How to be a humble Buddhist

Well let’s start by me stating that if I were to give you the answer here, I would not be a humble Buddhist at all. I would be portraying myself as some sort of expert, or one with superior knowledge…