Tag: Buddhist

The Full Monty

Yes, I think it’s time for me to expose myself. Sort of a Buddhist “Full Monty” if you will. I always do my best to write mindfully and with a gentleness. But I think perhaps there is not enough personal…

Mom and Dad

Nature or nurture? I think we are a product of both genetics, influence and our upbringing. Are you close to your parents? Are they alive still, or have they died? Did or do they agree with your practice and path?…

Making the lanterns

I have been so privileged to have witnessed the Monks of Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple making this years lanterns for Vesakha “Buddha” Day. This may seem to some like a trivial thing to talk about, but I assure you it…

Don’t call me a Buddhist

I was thinking today about separation of people based on so many perceptions, belief systems and ideologies. And I realized that by attaching a label of Buddhist to myself, I only perpetuate this type of separation. I am merely a…