Tag: Buddhist

Relationships are hard

So I would like to start by giving you the reason for this first. EXPECTATION! Let’s start by looking at marriages, committed relationships. I think that the whole idea of commitment carries with it a certain amount of expectation. And…

The goal is Atammayata

The word Atammayata literally means, “the state of not being made up by, or made up from, that (thing or condition).” “The genuine collapse of illusion, no separateness of subject and object.” As I was reading this morning, I was…

Buddhism versus Christianity

I was reading an article this morning by someone who had tried Buddhism and found it to simply be the flip side of Christianity. The way he sees it, Christians believe in achieving Heaven once they die and Buddhist think…

There’s no I in Dhamma

Are Buddhist practitioners actually spiritual narcissists? Well on the surface it would certainly seem that way. After all, we are taught to love the self first. Forgive and accept yourself, see your true nature. And of course meditation is something…

Groundhog Day

So last night, the Family and I watched the movie Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray. Beside being an entertaining movie, and filmed locally here in Woodstock Illinois, it is also a great Buddhist message. Bill Murray’s’ character keeps waking up…