Tag: mindfulness

Check your ego at the door

Reading the headlines yesterday, and seeing the stalemate going on in government, got me thinking again about ego. If these politicians had no ego, I am sure we would have a very cooperative government. And we would all be better…

I’m better than you!

And don’t you ever forget it! I’m smarter, wiser, funnier, more friendly, better looking, etc etc. I really can’t help it you know. I was just born this way, very special! Now I know that this must be they way…

Putting a face on depression

What does depression look like exactly? Is it like those people we see on the drug commercials? And then they take the pill and instantly they are smiling and laughing. Well not only do I not believe in drugs, but…

Breathing made easy

So last nights meditation was Vipassana (Mindfulness) meditation. But first I would like to share some advice I read recently about breathing. And that is, if you are doing mindfulness meditation and start feeling overwhelmed with disturbing emotions, it’s quite…

I’ve got baby skin

To see me in person, one might think I am a large tough Biker type guy. And to read my Blog, one might think I am a very good Buddhist and have a good understanding of the dhamma and Pali…