Tag: love

Four forms of clinging

Four forms of clinging

From the Cula-sihanada Sutta: “Bhikkhus, there are these four kinds of clinging. What four? Clinging to sensual pleasures, clinging to views, clinging to rules and observances, and clinging to a doctrine of self.” In my studies today regarding the middle…

Interview with a Bhikkhuni

Bhikkhuni Vimala

A bhikkhuni (Pāli) or bhikṣuṇī (Sanskrit) is a fully ordained female Buddhist monastic. I was recently granted the privilege of some time with dear Bhikkhuni Vimala, of the Blue Lotus Temple, for a brief but insightful interview. As always, her…

Being me

Who is me, why is there a me, why do I have this life, for what purpose? Is this even “my” life? These are perhaps some real mind-bending questions for each of us. And personally, I find them extremely difficult…

My best friend

As I began my metta (loving-kindness/goodwill) meditation this morning, I decided to spend a little extra time on the self. This led me to some very powerful insights about this part of my practice. You see, in the past, I…

Many paths up the mountain

I think the one thing that all human beings share in common is a wish to be happy. How many times have you yourself, or someone you know, said “I just want to be happy!”? Regardless of our background, ethnicity,…