Tag: love

A Mothers love

Metta is the protective and immensely patient attitude of a mother who forbears all difficulties for the sake of her child and ever protects it despite its misbehavior. Metta is also the attitude of a friend who wants to give…

You need a time out

How’s your mind today, where is it at? Do you find yourself flowing from happy to sad thoughts and emotions? I know that most of us would like to be in a constant state of joy and happiness, but this…

Thank you

Today is so very precious. This moment so precious. Never are we guaranteed of having another. So today I am grateful. Thank you for reading my Blog, for being my friend, my fellow traveler, my kalyana mitta. Thank you for…

The things we do for love

Love requires no reward or acknowledgment. That act of giving, caring, helping, in its purest form, holds no expectation. This goes quite contrary to the saying “how do I love thee, let me count the ways”. If this love is…

The five minute meditation

Each day contains twenty-four hours. That’s fourteen hundred and forty minutes! Don’t you think that any of us can find just five of those minutes to sit down and have some peace through meditation? I bring this up today, because…