Tag: suffering

Lets’ talk about sex, baby!

So I have to start by saying that I never see Buddhist Blog posts that talk about sex. One might make the assumption that Buddhists don’t have sex! Well Monks do not, but laypeople certainly do. At least I assume…

Buddhism versus Christianity

I was reading an article this morning by someone who had tried Buddhism and found it to simply be the flip side of Christianity. The way he sees it, Christians believe in achieving Heaven once they die and Buddhist think…

You give me a headache!

That’s right, it’s your fault. I have been trying to let go of the self, and focus on others. I know that once I forget the self, my suffering goes away. But this is giving me a headache! You all…

Loving yourself

Yesterday I wrote about supreme happiness, and the way to achieve that was by forgetting yourself. And I do firmly believe that if one focuses on the happiness of others, our own suffering disappears. But there is a caveat to…

The secret to supreme happiness

Yes, I think I have discovered it. And no, it’s not chocolate. But I will get to that later. The answer to that question that all living beings seem to spend their entire lives searching for. I hope you’re ready,…