Tag: suffering

I can’t fix this

It would seem that our human brains are wired to be “fixers”. When a situation arises, or we are presented with a difficulty, our neurotransmitters fire signals to the brain which compel us to act upon them. And I have…

Into each life some rain must fall

While temperatures have scorched the Midwest over the last couple of weeks, yesterdays 90 degree temperature seemed to offer enough respite for me to finally venture out on the motorcycle. And while still uncomfortably hot, with the added cooling effect…

Interview with a Monk

I was extremely fortunate to recently be granted some question and answer time with a dearly beloved Monk and dear friend from the Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple. I wanted to ask some stimulating and provocative questions, and knew that Bhante…

Dropping the obstacles

Right this minute, ask yourself what obstacle or obstacles you have in your path. What people or situations are preventing you from a happy and peaceful life? After you give this a few moments thought, I would like to stop…

Sliding down the rabbit hole

I’m afraid that much of my writing may lead my readers to believe that I am a wonderful example of a dedicated practicing Buddhist. And while I certainly hope that what I share is of some value and benefit to…