Tag: Right Intention

The best intentions


Often times, all of us do things with the best of intentions. Yet just as often we have all seen the results being less than ideal. Like the old saying that “your heart was in the right place”. Which basically…

The power of our words

our words

Our words can encourage or destroy While Right Speech is part of the Noble Eightfold Path, I am always reminded that the Eightfold Path is meant to be used collectively. This means that our speech is not truly beneficial to…

Screaming meditation


Meditation is not about the silence Most of us have heard of silent meditation, laughing meditation, insight and breathing meditation. But how many of you have ever heard of screaming meditation? Probably none of you, because I have just discovered…

Do the right thing

Right View, Right Intention, Right Action, Right Mindfulness, these are all part of the Noble Eightfold Path. But what does one do when we are not able to discern what is “right” in any given situation? Normally, I find that…


As often as I talk about impermanence (anicca), I recently had a small revelation. Focusing on the present, I tend not to look at the past very much. But in this case, I could see how much I have changed…