Tag: meditation

Misconceptions about meditation

I believe that one of the biggest obstacles to people meditating are all of the misconceptions about what is supposed to happen when you meditate. Then, easily frustrated, one discontinues this as futile and of little benefit. So today I…

Dark night of the soul

I am not going to discuss whether or not Buddhist’s believe in a soul or no soul (anatta). But instead, try to describe what would seem to be a temporary black-out of my practice. A feeling of unsettledness, loss, emptiness,…

That was now, this is then

Does that sound backward to you? Well it shouldn’t, because it is in fact reality. Our minds are constantly grasping at the future and wrestling with the past. But in doing so, we completely miss what is happening. That future…

Practice becomes nature

Why do we practice, and what does it mean to practice? For some, practice is what they call their meditation time on the cushion. For others, they may think of practice as their weekly visit to the Temple for a…

The label maker

Attention deficit disorder, Republican, Democrat, smart, stupid, old, young, fat, skinny, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Bipolar, hillbilly, Liberal, Conservative, Vegan, Pescetarian, gay, straight, Black, White etc. I could go on and on with the labels that we each readily attach…