Tag: meditation

A “Like” button for life


Or has Facebook become reality? It seems as thought the whole World is on Facebook. From kids to elderly, Nuns and Monks, Politicians and more. And most of us, myself included, spend way too much time getting input and stimulus…

Lessons in the mind and body connection

This flu season continues to prove to be one of the worst ever, and unfortunately I am participating personally quite unenthusiastically. Still, there has been a great benefit to this in how many things I am learning through observation of…

The purpose of meditation


What are your goals in meditation? In our society, it would seem that there a literally hundreds of ways to mediate. Different schools, teachers, traditions, and belief systems. Most of which seem to have a varied degree of intentions and…

My brush with death


And how often do we each flirt with death every day? This morning was not unlike most other mornings. Waking up around 5:30 a.m., I carry our 15-year-old Chow Chow downstairs as she is far too weak to do it…