Tag: cessation of suffering

In search of happiness

A recent dhamma talk by Vimala Bhikkhuni was all about happiness and what that means to each of us. The general consensus was that we all wish to obtain happiness. And Bhikkhuni’s suggestion was to be open to happiness always.…

Solutions for desperate times

It seems lately that so many people are feeling desperate and sad. Our current economy, high unemployment rate, fires and floods across the U.S. that have destroyed lives and homes. Is this all just a sign of the times, a…

Go on, be happy!

Who’s stopping you from being happy? Many people have the false understanding that Buddhism is all about suffering. But in fact, the dhamma (teachings) are actually for the purpose of showing us the path out of suffering. The cessation of…

Closet Buddhism

Are you a closet Buddhist? Do you study the dhamma, attend regular mediation services and workshops, understand the blessings of the Triple Gem, yet you never tell anyone you are a Buddhist? Is there a fear of some wrath from…

Back to work

OK, so it really isn’t work for me to practice or study the dhamma. But having taken what I called a day off yesterday, this seemed like the appropriate title for today. So how was it, taking a day off,…