Tag: Buddhist

The grand illusion

A vase is also a drinking vessel, is also a weapon, is also a home to a fish or spider. A table is also a chair, or a bed to lie on. A flower is also food, or an allergen…

A Buddhist in a Non-Buddhist World

Impermanence, shmermanence! And what’s dukkha? It sounds like something you stepped in on a farm! Pali? Isn’t that what you call your Parrot? And don’t even get me started on no-self. What kind of crazy, new age, wacky thinking is…

A serious Buddhist

I am starting to see that considering myself a serious Buddhist is almost an oxymoron. First of all, if we understand the teachings and the practice, then we can see this life in a childlike way. With an innocence and…

Another day another dollar

Wouldn’t you think that after years and years of practice, that one could wake up in the morning feeling light and unfettered? Shouldn’t that be a payoff of the Buddhist practice? Well, as much as I might hope for such…

Don’t feed the monkeys

A common expression that is used in Buddhist practice, is monkey mind. This refers to the mind’s ability to jump around from thought to thought, and from story to story. Something that most everyone experiences strongly while trying to meditate.…