Tag: Buddhist

Dark night of the soul

I am not going to discuss whether or not Buddhist’s believe in a soul or no soul (anatta). But instead, try to describe what would seem to be a temporary black-out of my practice. A feeling of unsettledness, loss, emptiness,…

The fun in being Buddhist

So often I read articles and Blogs by others, and I see that Buddhism can seem extremely negative, even depressing. And I’m sure that a lot of my articles could be looked at in the same manner. So much talk…

The label maker

Attention deficit disorder, Republican, Democrat, smart, stupid, old, young, fat, skinny, Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Bipolar, hillbilly, Liberal, Conservative, Vegan, Pescetarian, gay, straight, Black, White etc. I could go on and on with the labels that we each readily attach…

Deconstructing the self

The epiphany is to break down the self if we are to rebuild something with more wisdom, wholesomeness and acceptance. But does that mean any of us are lacking something right now? I think clearly the answer is no, we…

Once a week Christian

About twenty or so years ago, I used to attend a Southern Baptist church on the South Side of Chicago. The first time I went there, I was a little surprised to find that I was the only white person…