Tag: acceptance

One day at a time

“One day at a time” is a common expression that people use to encourage oneself or others to get through difficult situations. But I realize today, that trying to take on a whole day is a losing propostion. Twenty-four hours…

Solutions for desperate times

It seems lately that so many people are feeling desperate and sad. Our current economy, high unemployment rate, fires and floods across the U.S. that have destroyed lives and homes. Is this all just a sign of the times, a…

How to love yourself

“As a mother would risk her life to protect her child, her only child, even so should one cultivate a limitless heart with regard to all beings. So with a boundless heart should one cherish all living beings; radiating kindness…

Does your mind ever stop?

Does your mind constantly operate on overdrive, racing from one thought to the next? I know that mine certainly does. In meditation, this is sometimes referred to as “monkey mind”, because our minds are leaping from branch to branch and…

No more judgements

Aversions, perversions, notions, emotions. All of these contribute to judgements in our mind. Is it possible to be free of all of these, and every other factor that contributes to judging? I have been thinking about this a lot recently,…