Category: General

What if disaster struck?

I had a dream last night that there was a natural disaster of epic proportions. Floods, fires, plane crashes, looting, riots, complete chaos. At first, I thought perhaps these are the fires in my mind. And perhaps they are. But…

We are Family

It’s a family affair For over 10 years I studied and did my best to practice Buddhism. I did this on my own and completely independently. My belief was that Buddha found enlightenment all by himself, so why couldn’t I.…

Disturbing emotions

Got any? Oh come on, tell the truth. We all do, don’t we? Well, I have no idea where I’m going with this post today, so please bare with me if I ramble a bit. I have many disturbing emotions…

What Buddhists believe

Buddha said it best, don’t believe anything unless it agrees with your own common sense and reason. And I am here to tell you that I am no expert on Buddhism. I know very little. But I am learning. And…