Category: General

The greatest teacher


Is it Jesus, Buddha, Mohammed, or Shiva, Vishnu and Brahma? Perhaps you are thinking that it’s none of these, or maybe thinking it is someone like Gandhi or Einstein that was the greatest teacher. While all of these have influenced…

Recipe for happiness


The recipe for happiness is fairly easy, and one that even those who are not good in the kitchen can put together and still achieve some great results. Simply begin with one large scoop of love for yourself, add in…

Why the sangha is important


When I first me my teacher, Bhante Sujatha, he told me the thing I was missing in my practice was the sangha. Which at that time I really knew nothing about. I suppose I thought of the sangha as a…

The coming of Fall


Once a year, at least here in the Midwest, everyone celebrates death and decay. Sound odd? Well it’s true. And I’m not referring to Halloween either! Fall is coming soon, and everyone revels in the beautiful colors as the season…

War, what is it good for?


War seems to be on everyone’s lips lately with all of the violence that’s happening in Syria. The thing I find fascinating is how the media can focus all of our attention on whatever hot topic they choose. I would…