Author: David

Getting off the happy wagon


All aboard the peace train! More and more I watch so many people grasping for happiness. Facebook tends to illuminate this so profoundly with all the posts and pictures from people showing their desire for happiness. Heck, I have even…

In the beginning there was light

in the beginning

I began this Blog almost three years ago with the simple idea of sharing my experiences and observations along life’s path. This path of course being one that has a foundation based in the teachings of the Buddha. In the…

A quiet mind


Is there any way to truly quiet these voices in our heads? You know, the ones that are continually making stories. And often it seems that any attempt to do so only creates additional frustration and even more fiery stories.…

The power of one

Does our individual voice make any difference in this World that seems to have so many atrocities and inequities? Or is it simply easier to turn a blind eye and enjoy the wonderful life that we all have right now?
Of course we all have our difficulties or struggles. Some are financial, emotional, physical and mental. But there is much more going on in the World than this small scope of our personal perspective. And I suppose this is easily ignored if we do not see beyond the tips of our nose.

A Buddhist training regimen


Believe it or not, at one point in my life many years ago, I was an intensely dedicated body builder. And one of the most important aspects I learned about proper training was to breathe correctly. Getting a good supply…