Author: David

Where is my practice?


The practice, for me, is really the moment to moment experience of living this life. Yes, a critical component of this is always meditation. But meditation is only twenty or thirty minutes out of every twenty-four hours. This leaves a…

We all want to be heard

want to be heard

It’s perfectly natural to want to be valued and loved, and this is simply part of our human condition. And I also understand that we live in a society and culture that encourages self-promotion.

In honor of my teacher


First and foremost I should make it clear that my teacher is the Buddha. And while the dhamma is a living and breathing guide for each of us, the Buddha himself is of course dead. But many years ago I…

Open heart open mind

open mind

Recently I had a discussion with someone discussing yoga and its potential benefits for their elderly Mother. Then proceeded to tell me that he is Christian, and not fond of this new age stuff that opens your mind. I asked…

How to pick a good teacher

good teacher

Recently someone new to Buddhism asked the question of how to pick a good teacher. I found this to be a very powerful question, and one that I would not want to answer frivolously. Also, I can see clearly that…