Tag: love


“Without attachment or expectation, and with all my love, may you be well happy and peaceful” These are the words that I now use when practicing loving kindness (Metta) meditation. I have come to realize that love is not real…

Mom and Dad

Nature or nurture? I think we are a product of both genetics, influence and our upbringing. Are you close to your parents? Are they alive still, or have they died? Did or do they agree with your practice and path?…

Can you manage your emotions?

The HUMAINE Emotion Annotation and Representation Language (EARL) classifies the following 48 emotions. Negative and forceful Anger Annoyance Contempt Disgust Irritation Rage Negative and not in control Anxiety Embarrassment Fear Helplessness Powerlessness Worry Rage Negative thoughts Doubt Envy Frustration Guilt…

What’s your Achilles heel?

Being compassionate and accepting does not eliminate our vulnerability. Vulnerability can of course be physical or emotional. But in this post, I will be referring to the emotional kind. Accepting and being compassionate to the self and to others, is…