Tag: love

Jealous again

I was noticing my dogs reacting today to me giving attention to one, and not the other. It was so obvious that the one not getting attention was very jealous of the other. And isn’t this emotion the very same…

Negotiating old age

Today I was at the VA Health office for some routine blood tests, and waited in the waiting room with numerous older men and one woman. Being fully aware that I am 55 years old, I am no youngster myself.…

Whats love got to do with it?

Think of the people you love the most; Mom, Dad, Husband, Wife, child or dear friend. Now ask yourself why do you love them. Or better yet, how do you love them? Do you love them because of what they…

Mindful eating

Over the years I have tried many times to go vegetarian or even vegan, but failed miserably. Growing up in Chicago with things like Portillo’s Beef, Cheese and Sausage pizza, White Castle hamburgers etc etc, it has been a difficult…

Closet Buddhism Part II by Amber Nancarrow

I grew up Christian. It’s pretty much typical for white Americans to be Christian, especially before all of these Eastern philosophies, like Buddhism and Hinduism, and things like yoga and meditation became so popular.  So for me, as a white American, to…