Tag: Buddha

Save the stained glass at Blue Lotus

Help us preserve history; save the stained glass windows at the Blue Lotus Temple Dear Ones, One of my favorite parts of the Blue Lotus Temple has nothing to do with Buddhism.  I am so happy that we inherited tall,…

Joe the Buddha

After almost five years of being part of the Blue Lotus Buddhist Temple, I can sincerely say that I have made so many special and Noble friends. Each one different and unique, and so many of them being beautiful teachers…

Wasted days and wasted nights

Dharma is a Sanskrit word, and the derived Prakrit word is Dhamma. Etymologically, the word Dhamma is derived from the root “dham,” meaning “to uphold” and “to support,” and the commentary further explains that it is that which upholds or…

Searching for an answer


I’ve searched in temples and books, listened to podcasts, watched videos, searched Google, even asked Siri, and still I have found no answer. And aren’t all the churches and temples and synagogues filled with people just like me searching for…

Lady Buddha


I recently watched the documentary Lady Valor: The Kristin Beck Story. The story of a Navy Seal who is transgender, and the obstacles and hatred that she had to face and overcome. I can only assume that the struggles and…