Tag: breath

I walk the line

Somewhere between born and unborn, alive and dead, this life and the next, the past and the future, I walk the line. This awareness has become increasingly clear to me recently, and I find it fascinating and liberating. I see…

What now?

I have not written in several days now. No inspiration during meditation, or epiphanies that have occurred lately. Meditation every day has been quite average and uneventful. I am not finding myself exceptionally peaceful, nor am I agitated or upset.…

The path of sadness

Have you ever felt sad, really sad? Of course, you have. We have all experienced deep sadness and some of us have these feelings almost daily about one thing or another. And while I have yet to find anyone who…

What did I say?

What did I say or do to upset you? I had no idea that I offended you or hurt your feelings, yet I see you are so upset and angry with me. Have you ever been in this situation with…

Wrestling the mind in meditation

Do you ever wonder what happens in meditation for other people, or if you are even doing it right? Well, I have. Sometimes I wonder why no one has ever written about the meditation experience to give people a clearer…