We’re throwing a party for you!

I know that it’s long overdue, and no one deserves it more than you do.
You have done so much for so many people, and yet get such little recognition or respect for it.
It’s actually pretty amazing how you keep doing all the wonderful things you do, even though you get so little in return.
partySo let’s get this Pity Party started!
Oh, you didn’t know it was that kind of party?
Well of course it is. Because it is all about you, you know.
It’s about how hard you work, how you suffer, how you give. It’s about how you don’t get thanked, you don’t get appreciated, you don’t get shown love the way you want.
It’s you, you, you. Your party!
So I think the best way to celebrate your special day is for everyone to feel bad for you. I know you already feel bad for yourself, but won’t it be great to have us all celebrate with you by being miserable with you?
Are you starting to feel better now? No? What, you say this is making you angry? How come? I thought misery loves company.
Well now I am confused. How do you want us to celebrate?
Just leave you alone, you say?
Well we have tried that before, and you just seem to feel more isolated and angry. Not really a very good way to party.
Perhaps the best way to celebrate with you is to simply accept that you are suffering.
It is up to you to see the true nature of this suffering, and forgive yourself. Forgive others who may have hurt you. Be mindful and grateful of the love and compassion that surrounds you every day.
Be aware of how many others suffer in far greater ways than you. No food, no heat, no shelter.
Some are suffering with terrible illness that ravages their bodies.
Find the love and compassion in your heart for all of these people. Celebrate the love you have for yourself, and the love you have for others.
This is a healing power that we can all share.
Now look what you have done. You have turned self-pity into loving kindness and compassion. I feel this from you. It radiates with a warmth and electricity that resonates through my entire being.
Thank you. Thank you for inviting me to your party. Thank you for sharing your love. Thank you for your compassion, forgiveness and generosity.

May you be well, happy and peaceful