The future?

How can I be sure of anything? What will this day bring, what will the future hold?
Have you ever gotten up in the morning and felt like it was really going to be a good day? Conversely, have you ever woken up with a bad attitude, and felt angry and hostile without even knowing why?
The World is constantly changing, and trying to have a grip on any day seems to be an exercise in futility. And if we try to look into the future, it becomes even more disturbing and exhausting.
So what to do?
Well someone today told me to look within.
So I though about that.
And my first thoughts were, that telling someone to look within is kind of like saying “let’s pray about it”.
And honestly, sometimes I just really don’t want to look within – and I certainly do not believe in praying about it.
So why be concerned in the first place? Why would I wake up in a good mood or bad mood?
Well I think this is where meditation can be extremely beneficial. And I feel certain that this is what my Noble friend meant by telling me to look within.
By taking time to just sit and observe the mind, we have the opportunity to settle our minds and be observant. Not looking for answers or predictions, simply observing the mind and seeing clearly and without judgement. Peace and equanimity almost always return to me once I meditate. And I typically find that it is the same poisons that are always affecting me. Attachment, clinging, desire etc. Which of course all starts with the ego. I sometimes think I should wear a T-shirt that says “It’s all about me”.
Because really, anytime I have suffering or disturbing emotions, I ultimately find that is the idea of self at the root of it all. And by looking within, I do have the chance to see that there is no self. There is merely skin and bones that house a mind which creates a million delusions with stories for each of them.
Now if I could only learn to have this awareness in all other moments of my life, right!

So if I can make one suggestion here, it would be to remind yourself of the impermanence of every thought and feeling when they arise. Take the self out of the equation, and you will see there is instantly a space available for loving kindness and compassion where previously there was only suffering.

May you be well, happy and peaceful.