Tag: Theruwan Saranai

Mind surgery

Neuroplasticity (also known as cortical re-mapping) refers to the ability of the human brain to change as a result of one’s experience, that the brain is ‘plastic’ and ‘malleable’. I believe this science is simply more proof that my Buddhist…

Nirvana for dummies

Once again, my little girl has motivated me to be a better person by asking a seemingly simple question. She asked me if I believe in rebirth or reincarnation. It hit me like a ton of bricks, because I never…

I got blessed!

Yesterday was the Blue Lotus Temple Blessing for 2011. The Family and I attended this together, as we do most everything. But I wanted to write today about what this blessing meant to me. Do I have special powers now?…

Just do it my way!

Wouldn’t the World be a better place if everyone just did things my way? Of course it would. And that is exactly the type of thinking that causes me so much suffering every single day. You see, when someone is…