Tag: self

What’s my label?

Am I the tall guy, am I David, am I Mr. Schmidt, am I Dad, am I Grandpa, or am I Nissarana? How do you define me, and which label is correct? Is one correct and the others false, or…


“Without attachment or expectation, and with all my love, may you be well happy and peaceful” These are the words that I now use when practicing loving kindness (Metta) meditation. I have come to realize that love is not real…

It’s just sooooooo hard!

It’s Just SOOOO Hard! I hear that a lot these days. My children say it most of the time when they are frustrated about having to pick up their toys or clean their rooms. Or it comes at times when…

Train the Body?

I go to the gym and workout just about every day. Usually I train on my own, a mix between cardiovascular and strength training exercises. Every now and then I will take a class. Usually the instructors want us to…