Tag: sangha

A day in the life

a day in the life

Today I was thinking that it might be good to talk about a day in the life of an average Buddhist. But as my thoughts began to materialize, I realized that a day in the life of a Buddhist is…

Teachers and great teachers


Most of us would agree that we are all teachers to one another, and I certainly agree that this is true. And not to say that one person has more value than another in terms of being a teacher, but…

Lessons in the mind and body connection

This flu season continues to prove to be one of the worst ever, and unfortunately I am participating personally quite unenthusiastically. Still, there has been a great benefit to this in how many things I am learning through observation of…

Hocus Pocus

hocus pocus

Hocus Pocus, where’s my focus? The older I get, and the more exposure I have to many different people, the more that I see an increasing myriad of spiritual paths, supplements and choices that are being presented to each of…