Tag: mudita

Solutions for desperate times

It seems lately that so many people are feeling desperate and sad. Our current economy, high unemployment rate, fires and floods across the U.S. that have destroyed lives and homes. Is this all just a sign of the times, a…

The fly

As I sat quietly in meditation this morning, a fly began circling my head. While staying focused on the breath, I accepted that my mind was disturbing the fly and not the other way around. But it seemed my little…

My faith is in truth

But what is the truth? Is it your beliefs or my beliefs, or some beliefs that I have yet to discover? For me, it is none of the above. If I were told hold a flame to my finger, my…

The act of giving

Buddhism views charity as an act to reduce personal greed which is an unwholesome mental state which hinders spiritual progress. A person who is on his way to spiritual growth must try to reduce his own selfishness and his strong…

It begins with me

Last night, Bhante Sujatha’s dhamma talk was about the foundation of our practice. And that it is only by developing loving kindness towards the self first, that we are then able to share it with the rest of the World.…