Tag: dukkha

Mind surgery

Neuroplasticity (also known as cortical re-mapping) refers to the ability of the human brain to change as a result of one’s experience, that the brain is ‘plastic’ and ‘malleable’. I believe this science is simply more proof that my Buddhist…

Forget the funny words!

Mindful? Me? I think not my friends. Day after day I write these posts, and never consider that there may be many people reading this who are not Buddhist. When I use words like dharma, sangha, appamada, dukkha etc., what…


“When you know for yourselves, ‘These things are wholesome; these things are blameless; these things are praised by the wise; these things, if undertaken and practiced, lead to welfare and happiness,’ then you should engage in them.” ~ The Buddha…

Guilty conscience

Why do you have a guilty conscience? Oh, you say you don’t? C’mon, take an honest look at yourself. Aren’t you constantly motivated to do good things because of the guilt you have from previous actions in your life? Or…

Please release me

Let me go. I know I sound like Engelbert Humperdinck, but it’s true. Release me from these attachments. I get it, all my attachments are the cause of my suffering. But how can I not have attachment to my Family…