Tag: Christian

How I became Buddhist

I have often found that some of my readers think I have not known other spiritual paths beside Buddhism. So I thought it might be beneficial to share my past, and what led me to the teachings of the Buddha.…

Tearing down the walls

Yesterday, my oldest Daughter sent me a Blog post from CNN about “Why evangelicals should stop evangelizing”. The crux of the post was that the message of Jesus was one of eliminating separation and division among all peoples. The message…

Us and them

After Monday’s post, I found that many others sources had begun to echo my sentiment of peace, love and compassion. It was wonderful to see that I was not alone in these equanimous thoughts. Unfortunately I found some religious magazine…

Buddhism versus Christianity

I was reading an article this morning by someone who had tried Buddhism and found it to simply be the flip side of Christianity. The way he sees it, Christians believe in achieving Heaven once they die and Buddhist think…

The chicken or the egg

The question today is, does faith create the experience or does experience create faith. Kind of like, which came first- the chicken or the egg. Better yet, does Buddhism involve faith? Some friends today were discussing the Pali word “Saddha”,…