Tag: Buddhist

Get out of my way!

I am referring to myself here. I seem to be my own biggest road block. Let me figure this out step by step. The Noble Eightfold Path 1. Right View – Well, I think I hit my first stumbling block…

Boy, am I wonderful!

How much do I love me? Let me count the ways. Ok, sounds kind of funny I know. But in Bhante Sujatha’s guided meditation CD, it’s one of the first things he guides you to do. To love yourself. He…

There’s no “I” in ignorant


Oh wait, yes there is. Right at the beginning there! I am starting to see that “I” am ignorant to so many things. I have just started to see how very selfish I am. How could I not see that…

My 11 year old Daughter teaches me Buddhism

My little girl teaches me Buddhism every day. She is an unspoiled example of loving kindness and compassion. She is always “in the moment”, and totally present. No matter how her feelings may be hurt, or a punishment she suffers,…

Just let go

I have been working diligently on letting go of attachments recently. I am afraid that the effort is in fact a desire. So trying to let go of attachments, and having a desire to do so, are a real conundrum!…