Tag: Buddha

Technology of the mind

Our brain works like this: we are born into these conditions of suffering, this is what we have all inherited. But then here are these Buddhist practices, this ancient method of examining and seeing clearly our human condition. When you…

What’s up Upasaka?

Upasaka (masculine) and Upasika (feminine) are the Buddhist terms for laypeople that have taken the Five Precepts and are devout followers of Buddha’s teaching and the Triple Gem. The five vows to be held by upāsakas are referred to as…

No more suffering

Doesn’t that sound great? Wouldn’t you like to not suffer any longer in your life? Well, I think I have found a way. And I want to share it with you. Just let go! Yes, let go of expectations. Let…

We are Family

It’s a family affair For over 10 years I studied and did my best to practice Buddhism. I did this on my own and completely independently. My belief was that Buddha found enlightenment all by himself, so why couldn’t I.…

What Buddhists believe

Buddha said it best, don’t believe anything unless it agrees with your own common sense and reason. And I am here to tell you that I am no expert on Buddhism. I know very little. But I am learning. And…