Tag: anicca

Too much meditation

So many articles, books and blog posts are constantly talking about meditation. And perhaps some of you feel like this is beating the subject into the ground. Why not cut-to-the-chase and talk about the realities and answers to dealing with…


As often as I talk about impermanence (anicca), I recently had a small revelation. Focusing on the present, I tend not to look at the past very much. But in this case, I could see how much I have changed…

Heaven or Hell?

Which one are you going to when you die? Where is heaven and hell? What determines how you get to either one? Do you ever even consider an after-life of any kind? Perhaps if you are Buddhist or Atheist, you…

It begins with me

Growing up, my Mom was very good at teaching me not to be selfish. Being kind and considerate towards others, and thinking of others first. This was the person that my Mother always was to everyone. She was a beautiful…