Please release me

release meLet me go.
I know I sound like Engelbert Humperdinck, but it’s true. Release me from these attachments. I get it, all my attachments are the cause of my suffering.
But how can I not have attachment to my Family and loved ones? Doesn’t letting go of my attachment to them mean that I don’t love them?
I suppose when I think about my Mom, I see I can no longer be attached to her. But I still love her so deeply. I feel how strongly she is a part of me and my Family. Yet I do not have suffering with that love. I have accepted things as they are. And this does not mean I do not miss her, because I do. But it’s different. It’s not attachment and it’s not suffering. I know this is because I have accepted things the way they are.
So can I not look at my Family that is here now the same way? What if I were able to look at myself the same way?
Boy, that would “release me” from an awful lot of suffering!

I know these words are easy to write, but much harder to practice. But isn’t that the reason I chose this path? It may not be the easy path, but it is the right path.

So please do not think I have eliminated a bunch of Dukkha today, for I have not.
But I do have more awareness of the cause of my suffering, and through practice and mindfulness I hope that one day I will eliminate it.
Also, please know that I am aware of my desire to eliminate suffering. This too is a cause of suffering!
Yikes, I need to just shut up and meditate! :)

May you be well, happy and peaceful.